What is Pilgrimage? Part 2: Christian Critique

What is Pilgrimage? Part 2: Christian Critique Pilgrimage is not unique to Israel of course.  To this day, pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in one’s lifetime (if possible) is one of the pillars of Islam.  Other religions have analogous expectations or

What is Pilgrimage? Part 2: Christian Critique2016-09-08T19:44:00+00:00

What is Pilgrimage? Part 1: Israel's Experience

What is Pilgrimage? Part 1: Israel's Experience pilgrimage 1: a journey ... to a shrine or sacred place 2: the course of life on earth.   This dual definition from Webster’s Dictionary immediately establishes the elusive nature of pilgrimage, especially for the

What is Pilgrimage? Part 1: Israel's Experience2016-09-07T19:39:00+00:00

Labor Day

Labor Day   Every trade, craft and profession has an expertise, a skill set that is worth respect.  Society depends on workers of every variety. Without them our way of life would not work.  “Their prayer is in their work.” In some

Labor Day2016-09-05T07:47:00+00:00

Why requiem masses?

Why requiem masses?   Requiem masses are offerings of the Eucharist for the faithful departed. The name comes from the traditional introit (entrance verse) "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine" – "Grant them eternal rest, O Lord". This picks up on Paul’s teaching about

Why requiem masses?2016-08-30T01:42:00+00:00

St. Bartholomew

St. Bartholomew Some thoughts about St. Bartholomew on his feast day.  St. Bartholomew, whose feast we celebrate today, is a famous person about whom we know very little.  Jesus called him to be an apostle.  He traveled with him, learned from him,

St. Bartholomew2016-08-24T23:31:00+00:00

Conflict and Justice

Conflict and Justice Here is an article that I wrote for the Naples Daily News, published on Saturday, July 16.   When human bodies and human communities are being shattered violently day after day, around the world and in our own country,

Conflict and Justice2016-07-17T18:29:00+00:00

Pulse Orlando

Pulse Orlando We share with many others the shock and desolation at the horrific attack on Pulse Orlando. When abominations such as this happen we may tend to turn away in emotional self-protection, yet as Christians following him who is the Truth

Pulse Orlando2016-06-15T03:31:00+00:00

Christians in politics

Christians in politics Christians in politics usually means Christians advocating for particular positions and for the candidates who support them. And this matters. There are perspectives, points of view and policies that are closer to God’s purposes than others. Part of our

Christians in politics2016-06-05T03:25:00+00:00
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